Piano Camps

A black grand piano with the lid open on a white background

Beginning Piano Camp

Ages 7-12: June 9-12, 2-4:30

Minimum number of students-6 and Max-12


*For brand new beginners and students with less than a year of piano*


Kids will have fun as they learn the names of treble clef and bass clef notes, basic rhythms,

play simple melodies, and play games to introduce and review concepts. 

Light snack is provided daily. 

 Mini recital will be held on the last day to showcase what they’ve learned!

Camp Tuition: $175 + plus purchase of book if student is a brand new beginner


Famous and Fun Piano Camps

Ages 7-10: June 9-12, 9:30-noon

Ages 10+: June 16-19, 9:30-noon

Minimum number of students-6 and Max-12


*For students with previous piano experience*

Students will have fun as they continue their musical journey through learning songs from movies, TV shows, and famous composers. In addition, they will have the option to play duets with other students. Theory skills will be further developed through games and music centers.

Light snack is provided daily. Mini recital will be held on the last day to showcase what they’ve learned! 

Camp Tuition: $175

Neighborhood Academy of Music

112 Butternut Lane (Hwy. 42 West), Clayton NC 27520


Call 919-359-6105 to enroll!

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